Calling Javascript from Blazor

by Christof Jans | 2020-12-12

Blazor Webassembly is a technology that allows you to write web applications in C#/.NET . But sometimes you need to call into Javascript.

Consider the following scenario:

@page "/demo"

<input type="button" value="Delete" @onclick="Delete" />

@code {
    public async Task Delete()
       // delete something

When clicking the button, the Delete method will be called which - presumably - will delete something.

Now suppose we wanted to add a confirmation dialog. In javascript there exists a confirm method: if (confirm("Are you sure ?")) {...}. But how would we call that method from Blazor ?

Enter IJSRuntime :

@page "/demo"
@inject IJSRuntime js;

<input type="button" value="Delete" @onclick="Delete" />

@code {
    public async Task Delete()
        if (await js.InvokeAsync<bool>("confirm", "Are you sure ?"))
            // delete something

We inject the IJSRuntime service with the @inject directive. In the Delete method, we invoke the confirm method as follows:

js.InvokeAsync<bool>("confirm", "Are you sure ?")

The signature for InvokeAsync is :

ValueTask<T> IJSRuntime.InvokeAsync<T>(string identifier, object?[]? args)

The identifier parameter is the Javascript method you want to call ("confirm" in our case). Next are the arguments you want to pass to that Javascript method.

Tip: There is a lot more to say about blazor/js interop. If you are interested you can read about it here .

Hope this helps.